Sarah’s Wood Summer Social 2023
8th July 2023
Once again, an inspiring, if a bit damp afternoon was spent with wonderful supporters, people with MSA, volunteers and members of the staff team. I am always struck by how much Sarah’s Wood means to so many people. It is a place for people with MSA to gather with their families and to have time to reflect and enjoy the birth of a new Wood set in the vastness of Sherwood Forest that has survived for thousands of years. Our small Wood dedicated to all those with MSA, those lost to MSA and their families, carers and friends, is just a small part of this huge living forest. When we gather there, we can feel the presence of many years of history and can lose ourselves in the freedom of the woods.
Sarah’s Wood was developed from the desire by our founder’s brother Hugh Matheson to have a space for people with MSA, their friends and families, where they could congregate and make memories for years to come, enjoying the camaraderie of being in a special place.
The next stage in the development of the wood is a relaying of the ‘path to a cure’. When we first started out on developing the ‘path’, we had no idea what to expect in terms of numbers of people who might want to put a name there in memory, or a name in recognition of the research we are continuing to fund and develop. Due to the increased interest and a concern from the Woodsmen at Thoresby that the path was not well enough laid, they have suggested that they re-lay the path, using the same bricks, but making sure they are spread out more so people can read the names more easily and can identify their brick. The woodsmen have been instrumental in looking after the wood and maintaining it and it has a very special significance to them as they very much want to see Sarah’s Wood become a meeting place for anyone affected by MSA.
We are eternally grateful to all those who might want to put their name down or that of a loved one, in memory, as a birthday treat, interest in research, etc. Whatever your reason for having a named brick on the path you are very welcome to participate in our drive to achieve our mission of a ‘World Free of MSA’.
If you would like to have a named brick, check out our page on the website
CEO Karen Walker
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the blogs published on these pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the MSA Trust.
This sounds great, we have just lost our lovely Mum to this horrible disease and we will definitely be looking into this in memory of her