Living with MSA: The Emotional Impact
Living with Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) brings many challenges. Along with your physical health, there may be times when you also need support for your emotional and mental wellbeing. However, this support need can be overlooked. Partly because everyday practicalities can take up a lot of time and energy, and partly because it can feel uncomfortable talking about illness and loss. If you are reading this because you are close to someone with MSA you may also have questions about the emotional impact on both of you.
The aims of this resource are:
- To help you understand the emotional impact of MSA.
- To give information on the type of help available and how to access this.
- To suggest ways of looking after your emotional wellbeing.
Whether you are living with MSA, or are providing support to someone with the condition, we hope this will help you find the words to ask for support from family, friends and healthcare professionals when you need to.
As some of the sections are quite lengthy, you may choose to read them over time or to revisit some pages when you need to. You may also wish to share this resource with friends or family to help them understand how it can feel to live with MSA.
Thank you to all those people affected by MSA whose words we have included in this resource.
Section 1: The Emotional Impact of MSA
Section 4: Building Your Support Network
Section 2: MSA and Relationships
Section 5: Professional Support for your Emotional Wellbeing
Section 3: Looking after your Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Section 6: Index of Resources
The MSA Trust is here to support anyone affected by MSA. If you have any questions about the information in this resource, please contact us and we will do our best to help you.
We have taken every care to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication. However, the information should not be used as a substitute for the advice from appropriately qualified professionals. Speak to your doctor, qualified health care professional or legal professional before taking any action. Please note that personal views and opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the Trust. The resource is produced independently, is not influenced by sponsors and is free from endorsement.
References for this resource are available by contacting
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1. The Emotional Impact of MSA
This section describes some of the ways that MSA may affect your thoughts, feelings and...
2. MSA and Relationships
This section explores the impact of living with MSA on your relationships and on people...
3. Looking after your Emotional Health and Wellbeing
Taking your emotional wellbeing as seriously as your physical health can bring great benefits as...
4. Building Your Support Network
Staying connected to the people around you and building a network of support as early...
5. Professional Support for Your Emotional Wellbeing
Given the close link between physical and mental health, there will be times when you...
6. Index of Resources
Below you will find a list of the external resources and organisations highlighted in Living...