MSA Needs Surveys 2022
We have recently completed analysis of our second Needs Survey of people affected by MSA. It was completed by 520 respondents including people living with MSA, carers and people that had previously cared for a loved one.
The survey covered the UK and Ireland and all results were collected by October 2022 through paper and online questionnaires.
Our results indicate that there is much more that could be done to make life better for people affected by MSA. The findings will directly influence the Trusts organisational strategy for the next four years. This will include service development, new project work and impact on policy work in the wider charity and health and social care sectors.
Below you will find a Summary Document containing some of the key messages that we found. You can also download the Technical Report, which gives an in-depth analysis of the data and some conclusions and recommendations.
Both our 2019 and 2022 surveys are being conducted by an independent research company, IQVIA.