MSA Trust

Professional Collaborations

Working together with our MSA community is vitally important, as we provide a link between people with MSA, their carers and families; and the researchers who are the key to a successful discovery of the cause and ultimately a cure for MSA.

We work in many collaborative partnerships with academic researchers and pharmaceutical companies who are interested in understanding the affect MSA has on people’s lives.

We help to provide information, contact where members of our community are happy to be contacted and discuss with researchers strategy and design of new MSA research.

Throughout the research hub we mention new research projects that are underway or that we have supported and below are some of the academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies we have worked with in the past couple of years:

University College London

Institute of Neurology
Queen Square Brain Bank / Department of Neuroscience

Newcastle University

Exeter Medical School

In partnership with the Neurodegeneration Imaging Group

Some of the private pharmaceutical companies we have worked with include:

Modag –

Theravance –

Biohaven –

Others that we have worked with in the past include: Sanofi, Lundbeck, Astrazeneca and others.