For Carers
In our Carers section, we have pulled together information about how best to support and look after yourself, whilst also caring for someone living with MSA. We have also listed some of the services and support available to you from the government, your health and social care teams and other charities.
Our Carer’s Guide is a useful booklet for helping you get the right information about caring for someone with MSA. It offers practical tips, information and signposting on where to get further support. You can contact the office to request a copy or download it in our factsheets section here.
Please remember that our information and support services are all available to you too, free of charge, so please do register with us or contact us if we can help you.
Carer’s organisations
This page offers signposting to other avenues of support available that might help to alleviate...
Looking after yourself It can be difficult when you’re juggling looking after somebody else, perhaps...
Former Carers
If you have just recently lost a loved one, or you are adapting to life...