MSA Trust

Support for Children

My Special Activity book – all about multiple system atrophy’ is a resource created for children aged 4-11 years old to support them through a loved ones diagnosis with MSA.


MSA is a complex disease with different symptoms that children may have noticed and which may have caused changes within the household. The book aims to address children’s questions in an interactive way that they can work thorough at their own pace. Topics covered within the book include ‘What does MSA mean?’, the most common symptoms of MSA, ‘How you’re feeling’ and how to explain MSA to other people.



Some of the activities can be completed by children independently but others will need family members and friends involvement. There will be stickers to use as we know how much children love these! We have also included some guidance notes to assist any adults who may be supporting a child to use the book.



If you would like to receive a copy of ‘My Special Activity book’ please complete the form below and a member of our Information and Services team will be in contact with you. If you have any questions or if the book raises any concerns about living with MSA please call 0333 323 4591 or email to speak to an MSA Health Care Specialist.


This Activity Book is free of charge to members of the Trust but we welcome any donation you are able to give. If you live outside of the UK and Ireland then we are happy to post the Book to you but require a donation of £5.00 for each book, to cover the cost of postage – This can be done on our JustGiving page. Thank you.

Created 02.2019. Reviewed 02.2022. Version: 1.1. Next Review: 02.2025.



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