MSA Trust

Attend a Tree Planting day

In June 2017, we established and began planting Sarah’s Wood, a small copse of oak trees in Nottingham Forest, to honour our founder and serve as a symbol of hope and growth for those living with MSA, as well as in memory of our loved ones. Since then, we have held annual tree planting events where our members can join us, along with the Thoresby Park foresters, to plant trees in memory or support of loved ones. To date, we have planted over 1,000 trees.

We warmly invite all our members to participate in our next tree planting event to help us further develop this special project. With your support, we aim to plant more oak saplings and expand Sarah’s Wood, creating a haven for reflection and remembrance for years to come. As more saplings are planted, the woods will continue to grow, becoming a lasting symbol of hope for the MSA community. Please note, we accept tree planting orders throughout the year, and our next tree planting day will November 2025. Alternatively, if you are unable to attend in person, we can plant a tree on your behalf and send you a certificate once your sapling has been planted.