Make a Regular Donation

A regular monthly gift is a cost effective way for the Trust to raise funds, as it keeps our administration costs to a minimum and enable us to plan ahead confident in fact that you have committed to making a donation in the future. This commitment will ensure that more of your donation can go towards the cost of supporting people affected by MSA.

A small regular gift is an easy way to make a larger annual contribution to the Trust, ensuring that Trust continue its vital support to thousands of people affected by MSA in the UK and Ireland.

  • £14 pays for a critical half hour introductory call from one of our specialist team for those newly diagnosed.
  • £20 contributes towards a Digital Support group session with one of our specialist team, where people affected by MSA address common concerns in a supportive environment.
  • £250 each year can contribute to payment from our hardship fund for families who we know are facing extreme financial challenges living with MSA.

There are three easy ways to make a regular gift to the Trust so choose the one that suits you!

Give regularly through a bank transfer every month and keep administrative costs to a minimum.

You choose the date when it leaves your account and donations are covered through the Direct Debit Guarantee. Please note while setting up your Direct Debit, its optional to leave a tip for Just Giving. If you wish to skip this, please select Edit beside ‘Tip to Just Giving’ and set it to £0.00.

Another cost effective way to set up a regular donation is through our website using your card details. See form below.

You have access to your statement of giving, and can decide how long you wish to support us. You have complete freedom when it comes to choosing the frequency, whereby you can choose monthly, quarterly or annually. Simply click on ‘Make this donation every’ and choose a frequency.

Email to if you have any questions about this process.

To set up a Standing Order please download and complete the Standing Order mandate below and return to the Trust. This mandate will then be sent to your bank, and an amount gets transferred at a frequency of your choice (monthly or annually).

Standing Order form

Download file (368.54 KB)