Feedback & Comments

Your views matter to us

The Multiple System Atrophy Trust (MSA Trust) is committed to providing high-quality services to everyone affected by multiple system atrophy (MSA).

When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve the services we provide. Often problems can be sorted out straight away. As a first step we suggest that you raise the issue informally with the Trust, either with the person you dealt with or by calling the office on 0333 323 4591 or emailing We will do everything we can to put things right.

Please also tell us when you’re happy with us! This feedback will help us develop services for the future. Again, please email

Formal complaints:

If you’re not happy with the response you get, you feel that you can’t approach a member of staff directly or that the matter is more serious, you may wish to make a formal complaint.

We will record and acknowledge formal complaints within five working days of receiving them. Where possible we will aim to investigate your complaint within 15 days. If this is not possible we will keep you updated.

You can contact us by writing to:

Multiple System Atrophy Trust
128B Buisness Design Centre

52 Upper Street


N1 0QH

You can also contact us by emailing or alternatively, telephone us on 0333 323 4591.

Thank you.