MSA Trust

Can you help us?

We recognise that as a Healthcare professional you are very busy. However, people affected by MSA tell us that one of the most important things for them is raising the expertise and awareness of MSA amongst the professionals who they are in contact with.

We have a range of ways you could help us, some of them involving relatively small time commitments. They include:

  • Occasional reviewing of our information resources which benefit people living with MSA and those that support them
  • Occasional attendance at our Regional Support Groups near where you live or work, to let people know about your role and how you help. We also run Digital Support Groups that you can attend
  • Speaking at an event or Study Day
  • Writing brief articles for our magazine, MSA News.

If you feel you might be able to help, we would be delighted if you could contact us at or call us on 0333 323 4591.