MSA Trust

MSA Trust Webinars

The presentations below have been produced by the MSA Trust to provide information about MSA in an alternative format. They are aimed at people living with MSA, carers, family members and friends. Health and Care Professionals may also find the webinars helpful as a starting to point to their learning.

If after watching any of our webinars you have further questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at or call 0333 323 4591.

You may also want to look at our Factsheets section on the website for further information on specific symptoms and topics about living with MSA.

Introduction to MSA Webinar

The presentation below, an Introduction to MSA, is the first in our webinar series on...

Managing Blood Pressure in MSA Webinar

The presentation below is part of our webinar series on MSA. If you are newly...

Palliative Care in MSA

The presentation below is part of our webinar series on MSA. If you are newly...