Keeping the Home Fires Burning
As we get to grips with another week of lockdown, I thought I would let people know how the MSA Trust is working to support people during this very different time.
I wonder how our future generations will describe this period of lockdown? Perhaps it will become the time climate change took hold – have you ever seen such lovely dark skies over major cities?
We are truly doing our best to keep the home fires burning here at the Trust, by working from home, making contact with as many of you as possible over the phone and via emails and holding virtual Support Groups, led by one of our MSA Nurse Specialists and curated by our Services and Volunteer Officer. These groups have proved very popular and certainly we will look at how we can introduce these into our regular offering of Support Groups when we get back to a more normal way of working. The groups have thrown up interesting questions, which we try to answer using our Social Welfare Specialist, Nurse Specialists, and our teams at head office. Where possible we put information on the website and we are continuing to develop factsheets and guides, updating as we go.
While we are working from home we are entering into a new, more digital method of working. This means we have been able to continue receiving calls via special apps, using our laptops to keep information up to date on our database and even being able to manage the finances online.
The MSA Trust is here to serve our beneficiaries and their families in the best way that we can, and I am glad that we have a team who are very careful with the purse strings. This means we can continue to do our work and following Government financial interventions, such as furlough, we are confident we can ride out this storm of COVID-19.
I want to reassure all our members and supporters that we are not shutting up shop any time soon and will be around to offer whatever support, advice and help that we can.
Until we can meet again, stay safe and stay well, we are all thinking of you and working to support you.

Karen Walker
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the blogs published on these pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the MSA Trust.