MSA Trust


Some people living with MSA may develop problems communicating. Our factsheet details some equipment that might help, in addition to Speech and Language therapy. You can download the latest version of this information resource from our Factsheet page.

There is also a communication support booklet below, developed by one of our members. You can adapt and add to this to make it more individual to you. You will need a printer to make use of this or contact us at the office and we can help you.

If you are considering Voice Banking – see more about this here – then we have also included a list of phrases and messages you might want to consider recording. This list is not exhaustive, and there will be other phrases of your own that you will likely want to add, but we hope you will find the list helpful.

If you find anything else particularly useful please head over to our HealthUnlocked Forum and let others know.

Communications Booklet

Download file (229.87 KB)