MSA Trust

Election Fever

Some of you may get the opportunity to speak to local candidates before the election. Below, our Deputy CEO, Andy has outlined some questions you could ask regarding the issues we know are crucial to people affected by MSA. You may well see their eyes glaze over when you give them a brief outline of what MSA is, so launch straight in:

  • How would they protect the NHS, particularly, what would they do to promote the creation of local specialist neurology nurses who could co-ordinate care?
  • Is their local NHS planning to restrict access to Continuing Healthcare and if so what does the candidate plan to do about this?
  • Can they guarantee that they will work to ensure no further cuts in their local authority social care budgets if they are elected?
  • And where do they stand on disability benefits, will they ensure there are no further cuts?

You can probably think of your own personalised questions but if you can, make sure the candidate leaves with at least a basic understanding of MSA as a condition that requires specialist support. If they also leave with the impression that you, as a person affected by MSA, have strong feelings (and will continue to have strong feelings after the election) about making sure people are fairly treated and get the support they deserve then that’s all to the good.

If you want to share any answers you receive we would really appreciate hearing from you. Good luck!

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the blogs published on these pages are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the MSA Trust.

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