MSA Candlelight 2025

This is our memorial event for family and friends to remember loved ones lost to MSA and funds raised from it will be directed towards MSA research. Therefore, this will be an opportunity to bring the community together for a message of hope – that one day soon research into MSA will find its cause and cure.

Saturday, 17th May, 2025. Time : 2 – 4 PM

Venue : St Columba’s By The Castle, 14 Johnston Terrace, Edinburgh, EH1 2PW MAP

Wheelchair accessible | Accessible Toilets available.

Please note that parking is limited at this venue and we encourage attendees to take the train to Edinburgh Waverley Train Station.

Attending MSA Candlelight

This will be an afternoon of remembrance with music, lighting candles, an update on MSA...

Dedication only

If you cannot attend the event, for the minimum donation of £12, we will light...